Santa with the awesome kids from Casa de Ana
A couple of weeks ago, I was privileged enough to be invited to help out at the Christmas party at Casa de Ana, a children’s home located in Hoyo de la Puerta, outside of Caracas proper. It is a center for children who have had some sort of problem with the legal system, whether they directly or not cause it. Currently there are 18 boys living at this home being cared for by a Venezuelan couple, who have three children of their own living with them as well. Rotary Club Petare visits the home once a month, donates food items, and visits with the children. From the moment I walked in, I could tell that this wasn’t like any children’s home I had ever been in, even taking into account the unusual excitement that it was time for the Christmas party. The boys were extremely friendly, inquisitive, respectful and appreciative of everything. I got more hugs than I thought possible in the first ten minutes I was there.

Me with a couple of my new buddies (and to think, the boy in red wouldn't even talk for the first part of the party- seeing that smile made my day!)
One of the more comical moments happened when Santa (who is, as unlikely as it seems, a Zumba fitness instructor) brought a boy over and sat him on his knee. He then asked him what he would do with the next present if his friend or his sibling liked it as well. The boy answered that he would share it with that person, of course. It turned out that Santa didn’t know that the next gift was one you really shouldn’t share- underwear!

Then there was dancing and singing, and finally the food started to come out and we set up a feast for everyone. I had brought enough oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to feed an army and there were platters of quail eggs, special Christmas ham and raisin bread, Christmas chicken salad and other delectable dishes. The boys waited patiently for their turns to fill their plates and seemed to enjoy every last bite.
I was so inspired by the attitude of everyone there that I have decided to return to the home with activities of my own. Because everyone liked the cookies I made, I would like to return with supplies and help them to bake their own cookies. Also, because of the boys’ motivation to learn English and my experiences in Spain teaching English to children of their age, I plan to go back and spend a morning teaching them English songs and games. Ideally, this will happen in February.