I went to one of the Calle de Hambre (literally, "Hunger Street"), where there used to be lines of hot dog, hamburger and other fast food carts. In the last few years, there have been many improvements and now there are actual restaurants instead of the carts. I went into one of the restaurants with some friends and got to experience the best of the best, all potentially covered in 1,000 different sauces.

Auto Lunch Adriana- your friends' hamburgers!

The sauces that were out on our table when we arrived- were they enough to satisfy us?

He says "¡sí!"

This hot dog brings new meaning to getting it with the works! You don't even need to get french fries because it comes with potato chips already on it.

My hamburger had a ridiculous number of toppings- bean sprouts, egg, tomato, lettuce, cheese and I don't even know what else! But it was quite tasty.

After a hearty meal, my Rotary counselor, Katy, and I were quite content to show off the additional sauces we could've used if the ones on our table weren't enough.