Caracas has been more tranquil since I last wrote, which is a relief. When the rains started back in April, life calmed down again. Throughout the year, I've noticed that the city goes through a fairly rapid ebb and flow depending on different factors like the weather, politics, etc. It surprised me that I was able to perceive these changes so easily because normally one does not notice them when living in the midst of them. For example, a friend is much less likely to realize you just got a haircut if he or she sees you every day than if she hasn't seen you in six months.
Now that I've piqued your interest, what exactly am I talking about?
One change was obviously the rain because it was drastic- after a drought so severe it caused long-lasting wildfires and drastic energy cutting measures, the rains started to fall every day. Whereas before I wouldn't even need to worry about taking a jacket, now I had to make sure to pack an umbrella in my bag every time I stepped out of the house. I feel like my year here is coming full-circle because I arrived in the rainy season.

Caracas is returning to its lush, green self, which puts me in a more positive mood. I remember that through January, February and March I would look out the window at my university and wonder if the brown and yellow trees would ever recuperate. It's amazing what a little water can do for everyone and everything.

Caracas is returning to its lush, green self, which puts me in a more positive mood. I remember that through January, February and March I would look out the window at my university and wonder if the brown and yellow trees would ever recuperate. It's amazing what a little water can do for everyone and everything.